About Us
Albert Music Hall is run by the Pinelands Cultural & Historical Preservation Society (PCS), an all-volunteer, non-profit historical society dedicated to the preservation of the Pinelands Cultural Heritage.
Since 1974, visitors and musicians have gathered at the hall for live Bluegrass, Country, Folk, Americana, Old Timey & Pinelands Music and to jam in the Pickin' Shed every Saturday night. See our Event Schedule for upcoming events.
We invite you to read more about our fascinating origin story and continue the tradition by visiting this treasure of New Jersey.
Video of the Albert Music Hall Stories
More videos on the Video page.
What to expect when you visit
Albert Music Hall is a 350-seat concert hall (directions here). The hall is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Parking is free.
There are typically, five music sets each Saturday night throughout the year, 30 minutes per set. Special events may also occur on Sundays and times / number of performers may vary. Check our schedule for details.​​

A typical Saturday Night show at the Albert Music Hall
Admission for Saturday Evening Shows is $6 adults & $1 children under 12 (special events may vary). The venue is cash only for admission, gift shop, and snack booth.​
The snack booth is open throughout the show selling soda, water, hot drinks, cakes, pies, chips, and other snacks. Hot dogs are served along with several other hot food options - each event in the schedule will list the special for that night. There is no interval, so visit the booth any time throughout the show. No alcoholic beverages or smoking allowed.
The Hall has a gift shop, also open throughout the show, that sells Albert Hall souvenirs such as mugs, t-shirts, postcards, and books as well as a variety of Pinelands and music themed gifts.
The 600 sq. ft. Pickin' Shed is on the grounds for musicians to informally meet and play. The Pickin' Shed, as well as impromptu pickin' space on the Hall's porch and parking lot, is always available when Albert Music Hall is open. There is no admission charge for the Pickin' Shed.
Warm-up rooms, located inside the Hall, are available for the show's musicians.​​
Contact us at info@alberthall.org if you have questions.